Copy of Referee Bookings

Regular season and Playoff games must be created/posted on the Team website as soon as the schedules is out. This is how Floyd Meunier, Officiating Manager, assigns officials to the game.
All games must be posted at least 7 days in advance. Any game posted with less notice must be accompanied by an e-mail to the Officiating Manager with an explanation or there may not be officials booked for the game.
LMHA Tournament committees must give the dates, times and level (properly selected like a regular season game under the home team) to the Officiating Manager, 7 days in advance.
If a game has to be cancelled, it must be deleted on the Team website ASAP and the Officiating Manager must be notified immediately by e-mail ( with an explanation for the game cancellation or else the officials may still get paid. A minimum of 24 hours must be given or the officials still get paid. If this becomes repetitive, the Team will be invoiced for the costs incurred. This does not apply if the Crossman Community Center (Kay Arena) is closed by the City of Moncton.